A Cloud Example: Web Content Delivery

Story Line: The Internet provides an incredible mechanism for communication. A business can reach millions of prospective clients with a single "Web Site". It presents the opportunity for the business to deliver a marketing message and to induce prospects to action. But the broad reach of the Internet is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it provides a means of reaching an enormous audience. While, on the other hand, a business is forced to compete for a prospect’s attention span, which is growing shorter and shorter due to more and more sources of information being available to communicate with the prospect utilizing the Internet.

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A consulting firm must establish a credible image to be perceived as reliable source of business assistance. To convey this image over the Internet requires detailed case studies and examples, which as content require a considerable share of a prospects time to read and evaluate. But prospects lose interest quickly and move on to other web sites. Thus we have a conflict. We need to provide significant content and hold the prospective client’s interest to view that content to achieve our goal. Yet, at the same time, we must not deliver our message through significant content because the prospect will not stay around long enough to read the material.
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Direction of Solution:

1. A web site visitor will not leave a web site too quickly, if they are interested in the content presented. A visitor’s interest is directly related to the degree of personal relevance that they attach to the information that is being presented. Therefore the content must be perceived as relevant to the viewer.

2. People don’t like to wade through a lot of text, and therefore large areas of text turn off viewers.

3. Pictures and diagrams convey more information faster than text, so pictures are better means of gaining a viewer’s attention quickly. Once a viewer’s attention has been captured they will drill down into more content, if they find the subject personally relevant. Visitors won’t wait around for large pictures to load because they lose interest quickly, so we must use small fast loading pictures.

4. People are basically curious, and words or short headlines that arouse their curiosity often grab their attention. Again, once a viewer’s attention has been captured they will drill down into more content, if they find the subject personally relevant.

5. People will rarely spend enough time in a single visit to a web site to absorb all the content available. Therefore we want to provide an inducement for a visitor to return to the site multiple times. If a visitor perceives that new and fresh relevant content will be available periodically, they will return to check it out.

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