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Multi-Plane Camera
There is always discussion about the fact that a positive
strength of TBS is the multi-plane camera. Now for those readers
who are not familiar with multi-plane cameras, they were an
invention of Ube Iwerks at the Disney Studios and they
revolutionized animation. The basic premise was to take the
concept of the transparent cel to the next logical level. Each
picture (art work) plane in a multi-plane camera is a
transparent surface and by actually providing distance
separation between pieces of 2D art on cels this camera creates
an improved representation of depth. Now for those familiar with
classical animation camera stands the art work is registered by
means of pegs and these pegs are mounted on precisely positioned
bars called, logically, traveling peg bars. Now a single picture
plane on an animation stand can be incrementally moved north -
south, east -west, and rotated 360 degrees in the same plane and
these moves can be in combinations. To move things in terms of
depth, the camera is positioned up and down, and / or the
various picture planes of a multi-plane camera stand can be
positioned higher or lower in relationship to the other picture
planes as an additional directional move.
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