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 The Thinking Tools: The Thinking Tools are a set of logical tools that can be used individually or as a group to help us apply Constraint Management. Below is a brief description of each tool and its use. Click HERE to learn more on How to Read a Logic Tree.
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The Current Reality Tree: Why is the system sick? The Current Reality Tree is a cause and effect relationship diagram. The Current Reality Tree is used to identify core problems and other root causes for the undesirable effects (UDEs) that are present in a system’s current reality. A process of logical scrutiny utilizing a set of logic standards call the Categories of Legitimate Reservation must validate a Current Reality Tree. Once the core problems have been identified, the objectives to deal with these problems are the opposite of the core problems. Unfortunately, an existing conflict in the current reality often prevents the organization from attaining the objective easily. We then apply the Evaporating Cloud or conflict resolution tool.

The Evaporating Cloud: What conflict is preventing the cure? The Evaporating Cloud is used to resolve conflicts by identifying injections that change the current reality so that the conflict disappears. The cloud evaporates. Evaporating Clouds are also used to describe the nature of a series of undesirable effects (UDEs) and point to a possible core problem. A technique called a Three-Cloud Analysis is often employed to help in the construction of a Current Reality Tree. Click HERE to learn more on Clouds.

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Future Reality Tree: Will the injections lead to all desired effects (DEs) without creating new UDEs? To check this solution, a Future Reality Tree is constructed from the bottom up, starting with the injections. Sometimes an injection may seem very difficult to implement and we refer to it as a "Flying Pig" injection. Sometimes the best ideas start off as "Flying Pigs". "It will happen when pigs can fly!" If the injections are effective, they will result in an environment in which the undesirable effects (UDEs) have disappeared and have been replaced by their opposites, desirable effects. Usually the original injections are not sufficient, and additional injections must be added to the tree. A process of logical scrutiny utilizing a set of logic standards call the Categories of Legitimate Reservation must validate a Future Reality Tree. An important part of the process of building the Future Reality Tree, Negative Branch Reservations are to check for new undesirable effects (UDEs) that might result from the applied injections. Modifying current injections or creating additional injections must eliminate each Negative Branch. The future reality tree provides logical assurance that if the injections are implemented, the desired outcomes will be realized.

Prerequisite Tree: What currently prevents the implementation of the injection(s)? The purpose of the Prerequisite Tree is to identify obstacles to the implementation. The Prerequisite Tree starts with the desired injection at the top. All of the imaginable obstacles to implementation are included on the tree. Each obstacle gives rise to an intermediate objective, which should be sufficient to overcome the obstacle. In the completed Prerequisite Tree the intermediate objectives should be sequenced from bottom to top of the tree in the order in which they should be accomplished.

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Transition Tree: What actions does the initiator have to take to effectively implement the cure? The Transition Tree provides the actual implementation plan – the actions that should be taken to achieve the ultimate objectives. The actions achieve the intermediate objectives as detailed in the Prerequisite Tree. If the intermediate objectives are achieved, the obstacles will be overcome and the injections will be achieved as detailed in the Prerequisite Tree. If the injections are achieved, then the desired outcomes will be achieved as detailed in the Future Reality Tree. The implementation plan in the Transition Tree provides a safety net of sorts because it involves a sequence of small steps with reality checks along the way. If reality does not unfold as predicted, the process can be stopped and the plan modified.

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